Thriving Leaders
We deliver transformative programs for executive leaders, leveraging on thriving and wellbeing to power performance. Applying our Thriving Leaders framework, we combine wellness, scientific emotive tool and decades of experience to create interactive programs for leaders to amplify their impact, which in turn enables them to create a culture of well being driven success.
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Culture Co-Creation
Don’t leave the culture of your organization to chance. You have the opportunity to create that enduring workplace – one that is based on each team’s member vision of what is ideal in the workplace. Reinvigorating your organizational culture will engage employees, improve performance and increase productivity.
We help clients develop their very own culture, using a scientific emotive tool called 23plusone, and we help facilitate the transition to clarify direction, capitalize diversity, and self organize to create team ownership.
Build A Happy Team
Happiness and positivity, everybody wants it, also at work!
Scientists have proven that there is a direct link between happiness and positive behavior. Using a scientific emotive tool called 23plusone, we identify each person’s emotive drive for happiness. Once we understand what drives happiness for each team member, then we stimulate positive behavior. Happy organizations are more productive and therefore more profitable with passion and enthusiasm as the currency. The business case is easy, investments in happiness and positive behavior pays off, immediately.